Killearn's Coronation Tea Party in 2023 and the Platinum Jubilee party in 2022 were deemed a huge success and so a small team organised another for 2024. The Spring Tea Party took place on 28 April with around 90 folk from across the village participating.
There was a fantastic response for cake bakers and volunteers and some great prizes donated for the raffle which raised £414.50 for the Village Hall funds.
Many thanks to everyone who contributed and took part, especially the young bakers from Killearn Kids Hub.
Following the party an A4-sized poster was created and distributed as a memento for everyone who took part.
History of the Hall
In January 2008 the Village Hall Development Group was formed to examine the opportunities and demand for the renovation of the Village Hall – photos below.
Considerable research took place over the following two years including visits to a number of village halls and youth clubs in Scotland and a range of meetings and presentations within the Killearn community.
The Village Hall is a focal point in Killearn with stunning views across the Glebe to Loch Lomond and surrounding hills. It was therefore considered essential that the renovation took full advantage of these views with total awareness of its location in the village and reflected the demands of the community for future generations of all ages.
In April 2012 ownership of the village hall was transferred from Stirling Council to KCFC, the Funding Contract with Scotland Rural Development Programme (SRDP) was signed completing total funding from SRDP, Killearn community and trusts of £1.7 million and the contract for the development was awarded to Hadden Construction Ltd.
The agreed plans create two floors in the existing village hall and in the new build extension and provide a new main hall with staging and adjoining professionally equipped kitchen, committee room with overhead projector, reception/coffee room with archives displays and presentation TV screen and youth club and games rooms with computer area, cinema and games facilities.